Wednesday, May 03, 2006


...sometimes when i brush my teeth before bed and my mind is extra tired. i'll pee real quick, squeeze out some toothpaste, and then run the water over the brush. then, without thinking, i'll flush the toilet...causing the water coming from the sink to slow down for a few seconds. i can never help but think that this is pee water coming directly from the toilet, through the pipes, and onto my toothbrush. which isn't true, but just the thought of it, is pretty gross. and even though i know that it isn't really pee-water, i still end up going to the kitchen, rinsing out my mouth and brushing my teeth in that sink instead. it only happens a hand full of times each year...but i was wondering if other people do that, or if i'm just some kind of freak. any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

faster faucet current would provide me w that hypothesis...

Anonymous said...

well, DUH